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The ANT Telecom Blog

Can you hear a lone worker calling?

Written by ANT Telecom | 29 Sep 2015

There are an estimated 6.8 million lone workers in the UK

It’s never been more important for employers to check how many of their workers operate in remote locations and isolated environments, as they have a duty to ensure that all of lone workers are supported with appropriate processes, procedures and technologies to mitigate risk and assure their safety.

But, we’re not just talking about those on the company’s payroll or those whose status as a lone worker is defined by their job specification or who work daily in hazardous environments such as oil or gas refineries, manufacturing plants, factories or construction sites.

What about those who may not be viewed as lone workers in their main job description but who may change shifts, work overtime or who are on call during the day or night?

What about maintenance staff, contractors, self employed workers and engineersthat may occasionally visit a plant or site?

How big is your plant or site? Do engineers work in areas out of sight and hearing of other employees? Are there areas with no mobile coverage?

If anyone working for your company were to have an accident or got trapped in a machine, how would they raise an alarm for help? How quickly would help be able to get to them?

If they had an accident and was rendered unconscious, how long would it take before their team would notice? Minutes? Hours? Days?

Yes, there are a number of questions to be answered in the first instance, however it is vital these are understood in order to guarantee a business has the right cover forALL of its lone workers and finds the best solution for the business. One size doesn’t fit all!

ANT Telecom help organisations unearth the questions that need to be asked of their business and provide its top tips on protecting your employees and business.

Keep a look out for our blog series but if you’d like advice on the status of your lone workers and how a lone worker solution safeguards them and your business, please give one our friendly team a call on 01494 833100 or email info@anttele.com

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