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Vote for UrSOSButton in Tomorrow's Health & Safety Awards 2017!

Written by ANT Telecom | 3 Mar 2017


Tomorrow's Health  Safety Finalist Logo 2017.jpg

A safe, healthy and happy workforce is crucial for businesses to enable them to operate effectively. Health and safety officers in all environments have their work cut out but luckily there are a host of products and services on the market to assure companies that workers are well looked after – and to make the working lives of health and safety professionals that little bit easier. It is these tools that have been featured in Tomorrow’s Health & Safety magazine over the past year and 50 have made the shortlist for this year’s awards – including ANT Telecom’s UrSOSButton!

As part of our Alarm Messaging Service (AMS) application, UrSOSButton is ANT Telecom’s lone worker solution. The button, the size of a key fob, is small and discreet and can connect to a lone worker app on the user’s smartphone via Bluetooth from up to 50 metres away. When the button is pressed it will immediately trigger an alert informing colleagues to the incident.  The alarm information contains details on who triggered the alert, their GPS location and also a live audio recording of what is taking place at the scene so that colleagues listening in can determine what the best course of action should be. 

Sectors to which the UrSOSButton is of particular appeal, include the housing and social housing sectors, as well as education, logistics and delivery and the healthcare sector, where patients are increasingly being treated in a variety of settings, including the community. Nurses and hospital workers, for example, are able to easily activate the button to send out an amber or red alert to colleagues if they get into a situation in which they feel uncomfortable. The button provides an alternative to the ID card type device some healthcare professionals can carry with them, and gives them more options for carrying it discreetly. With more extended battery life and lower running costs, the UrSOSButton works via their Smartphone via Bluetooth, thus eliminating additional SIM card costs.

The deadline for voting is Friday 17th March - Register your vote now for the UrSOSButton!

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