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The ANT Telecom Blog

How organisations implement lone working solutions

Written by ANT Telecom | 12 Nov 2019

shutterstock_420273748An organisation looking to enhance the safety of its lone workers will find a range of products on the market. But which is most effective in providing protection for its workforce? This is not necessarily as straightforward as it might seem. The effective adoption of a lone working solution will depend not only on the solution itself, but on whether it has been designed to address an organisation’s specific set of challenges and whether the staff who will rely on it have been effectively trained in its use.

No two companies are the same and each will have a unique set of criteria. A one-size-fits-all solution might seem attractive for those looking for a cheap and easy option, but if it fails to address the issue at hand, it’s likely it will be under utilised and the original challenges will remain. Lone workers operate in a variety of ways and it’s important that solutions are tailored to fit their specific needs.

How the solution is implemented will drastically affect whether it is utilised effectively. There are a myriad of ways in which a solution may need to be adjusted during the initial planning phase. There may be network coverage blackspots to consider, particularly noisy areas of the site that may affect audible alarms, or times of the day where there is only a skeleton team on site. All these elements and more must be considered for the solution to fully accommodate workers’ day to day roles and responsibilities.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Do you want to learn more about protecting your lone workers?  Download our guide to lone worker safety

Finally, it’s vital that the staff who will rely on the solution are effectively trained in its uses. This key point is often overlooked. You can design and implement a solution that perfectly fits your operating needs, but if your staff aren’t on board with using it, their device will sit untouched in a drawer. All too often decisions are made at a high level without considering the training needs of the people who will be using the solution on a day to day basis.

Employing an expert in addressing lone workers’ varied safety challenges is one way to help ensure the solution fits the need. Working with a provider who understands the market range of solutions and who has the knowledge and capability to adjust them to fit with what’s required will ensure that it is implemented effectively. Some providers not only offer bespoke solutions which are implemented by a team of experts, they also offer staff training. To be effective, this partner should have intimate knowledge of lone working market products and how these can be effectively deployed to provide maximum benefit. Working with a provider who is not only an expert in the field, but also understands the importance of effective implementation and staff training will ensure success.

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Topics: Lone Workers, Health and Safety, Safety Management

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