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The ANT Telecom Blog

Why SIP Trunking benefits organisations of all sizes

Written by ANT Telecom | 30 Sep 2016


To date, much has been made of the benefits of Voice over IP (VoIP) and SIP Trunking for the small to medium sized business; with the majority of the focus being on cost savings. However, with BT having announced its intent to phase out ISDN by 2025, over the next decade we will undoubtedly see a mass migration.

It’s pertinent therefore to highlight some of the other benefits SIP Trunking can offer businesses; and features that are relevant to consider in any migration.

Cloud-based agility – Organisations – both enterprise and SME – are increasingly moving core services and applications to the Cloud or into Data Centres for reasons that include greater agility and flexibility. And with security concerns having largely been addressed – both the security of Cloud-based applications and that of VoIP through the latest generation of virtual Session Border Controllers (SBCs) – Cloud-based telephony offers the same degree of corporate flexibility in moving away from the constraints of physical infrastructure.

Collaboration – Company workforces are becoming more mobile. Fortune 1000 companies around the globe are entirely revamping their space around the fact that employees are already mobile. Studies repeatedly show they are not at their desk 50-60% of the time . As a result, we’re seeing a huge investment in superfast broadband and fibre connections to support applications that enable collaboration and content sharing on the move, including video conferencing. This increase in accessible bandwidth negates the need for a separate ISDN voice circuit.

Expertise - It's not always easy to find good expertise locally and having a VoIP telephony solution in place that can support working from home or from a remote location allows businesses to cost effectively source the talent from further afield, whether they are in the UK or international.

Relocation & Speed of Deployment - Moving offices, reducing and / or increasing the number of business premises is made easier when telecommunications hardware is hosted off site. Likewise, within the increase in SIP Trunk adoption will inevitably come an investment in new advanced functionality; the speed of deployment for these new applications is far reduced compared to traditional on-premise infrastructure.

Business Continuity - One of a business’s greatest frustrations is a failure in the telephony system that renders it unable to make or receive customer calls. SIP Trunking solutions allow for automatic call routing – for Direct Dial Inwards (DDI) numbers as well as mainline numbers, offering disaster recovery and full business continuity.

To learn more about the differences between SIP Trunking and ISDN - click here

If you'd like to talk about SIP Trunks for your business call us on 01494 833100 or email one of our experts at info@anttele.com.

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