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The ANT Telecom Blog Page 44

Keeping the wheels turning

Written by ANT Telecom | 31 Mar 2014
Re-think your efficiency strategy Globally, manufacturers and plant managers are constantly seeking to improve their output while reducing their overhead costs. ANT Telecom's upcoming webinar on Wednesday 16th April 2014 will show how we have worked with plant managers to overcome communications ...

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Is office mobile phone use overtaking the humble desktop phone?

Written by ANT Telecom | 27 Mar 2014
For many office workers the mobile phone is becoming their default form of business communication, despite having access to a desktop phone that is just going unutilised....

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Potentially hazardous atmospheres: one product does not fit all

Written by ANT Telecom | 13 Feb 2014
Every business is different and has varying communication needs - and for those who operate in potentially hazardous atmospheres, those needs are both specialised and varied. When it comes to communication within potentially hazardous atmospheres it is paramount to consider a communication system ...

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The evolution of theory: from innovation to collaboration

Written by ANT Telecom | 8 Jan 2014
Charles Darwin once said that in the history of humankind, it is those who have learned to collaborate most effectively that have prevailed. How apt, then, that as the communications landscape changes in line with technological evolution, the landscape for 'business buzzwords' is shifting in a ...

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Communication is key

Written by ANT Telecom | 3 Jan 2014
It is often said that communication is key and that is no more true than in today's dynamic and agile business environment. For organisations in sectors from manufacturing to healthcare, real-time, site-wide communication is imperative to both the functioning of the business and also to safeguard ...

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Asset tracking in the NHS

Written by ANT Telecom | 20 Dec 2013
NHS Trusts are under continual pressure to make cost savings and meet targets. And with the health service haemorrhaging more than a £1 billion each year due to lost medical equipment the time to act is now. Simple, real-time location technologies cannot just help NHS hospitals deliver ...

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