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Key Vulnerabilities Managers Need To Address - Lone Workers

Written by ANT Telecom | 11 Jan 2018
Managers should always make lone worker safety one of their key priorities when formulating and implementing health and safety policies at work. Lone workers are subject to unique vulnerabilities that are directly tied to their lone worker status. This article explains some of the main way in which ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Manufacturing Industry, Health and Safety, Critical Alarm Management

Why do Production Alarms Go Unanswered For Too Long?

Written by ANT Telecom | 9 Jun 2017
By now, a great many of us are aware of the implications of not having a critical alarm system in place. There’s the potential for unplanned downtime, for exorbitant wastage and cost and, more starkly, there’s the potential for grievous injury, and sometimes even death. These worst-case scenarios ...

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Topics: Critical Alarm Management

ANT Telecom launches new monitoring and alerting product - DRAC

Written by ANT Telecom | 17 May 2017
Automated communication specialists ANT Telecom are pleased to announce a new product to their alarm and monitoring portfolio called DRAC (Digital Radio Alarm Concentrator). Designed by awarded winning engineer Peter Swayne, DRAC was designed as a cost-effective solution to alert staff to an ...

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Topics: Critical Alarm Management

Lone Workers App Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry

Written by ANT Telecom | 28 Feb 2017
We all know the manufacturing industry carries huge potential for health and safety risks. This danger is significantly increased for any individual who works on their own and in varied locations. As a manager, it is up to you to make sure all your employees are safeguarded against any possible ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Critical Alarm Management

Why is it important to respond quickly to site alarms?

Written by ANT Telecom | 24 Feb 2017
It’s an accepted reality that accidents can and will always happen. Sometimes, there is just no amount of planning or strategising that can override this basic fact. When accidents do occur, regardless of our profession, we all hope that their effects will be minimal and not far-reaching. However, ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Critical Alarm Management

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